Ordering & delivery

Style & Substance

All bikes and accessories are hand made to order. We like to make sure everything is just so. Full bikes are delivered by courier. They require minimum assembly, like the front wheel installing and the pedals putting on. It’s very simple.

Bikes are wrapped and packed in a large box. These boxes are really expensive. Try not to just chuck them out, in fact if you put them up on your local Gumtree or similar you can probably get a tenner. Seriously. We swallow a lot of the packing and shipping cost.

For accessories we try to reuse packaging (we get a lot of boxes) so don’t be upset if your box or envelope looks a bit dog eared. It’s better than us just sticking it in the bin.

Bicycles are typically made on a four week lead time as new batches of frames are made up and painted and wheels are hand built to special order. The leather stuff and other bits should be turned around within one to two weeks. We’re a small company and we’re probably more susceptible to market forces than most so sometimes the guys who make our frames will get a big order from a key customer come in and our stuff will get bumped. On rare occasions it’s pushed a four week build back to a 12 week build. Such is life. No one has been too upset by our timings yet.

We’re happy to tweak a set up – if you’d like a specific component or set up just ping us a message, we’re pretty friendly.