Cycle to work schemes

We are members of a couple of UK cycle schemes.

Tax free cycles

Tax free cycles

These schemes enable employees of participating companies to get a bike tax-free, saving between 25-42%. It also benefits the employer with National Insurance savings of up to 13.8%.

You basically hire the bike from your employer and pay for it over 12 months, with the money usually deducted from your monthly salary. Everybody wins.

Ok, nearly everybody. We get hit with a 10% charge on the value of the bike to use the service, so we have to pass this on in the quote (our margins just won’t absorb it). It doesn’t impact the benefits though!

How it works

Choose your bike and ask me for a quote (the limit is typically £1,000 but your employer may reduce it)

Take the quote form to your employer. They will process it and get a certificate

Send me the certificate

I will process it and start work on your bike
